Coaching for humans ​who change the world.

Working with people who are dedicated to making a difference ​without losing themselves in this unjust and unpredictable world.

  • Deal with doubt, fear and conditioning.
  • Rise above the need for approval and validation.
  • Allow yourself the joy, success and space you want.
  • Make a positive impact in a world that needs the real you.

Change your world by doing what YOU want.

Book Your Free Connection Session

I get energy working with people who want to make the world ​better without letting it consume them.

We all know the power of presence. We’ve read the books and ​tried the apps, but practicing and integrating it all within a manic ​world is bloody hard

Smart, kind and talented as you are, you don’t always believe it. ​Life hasn’t always been easy and your confidence has been ​chipped away through negative interactions, difficult endings ​and the killer-of-joy: comparing yourself to everyone else.

You are tired of pretending everything is ok and you want to be ​part of a fairer, more equitable, less scary, world. You want ​purpose, deeper connections, more community, more time in ​flow and much more freedom.

If you want to work with a real, talented and proudly-different ​coach, I’m glad we found each other.

Book Your Free Connection Session

My Services

For change leaders

  • Leadership coaching for the purpose, presence and power to have a lasting impact.

For wild souls

For groups and teams

  • Mindset coaching overcoming doubt and finding purpose.
  • Wild-Mind Mentoring for deeper self-growth.
Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes
  • Group coaching ​for deeper ​understanding ​and space for ​collective ​growth.
  • Mindfully-Wild ​community ​coaching.

Supporting wild souls to Be themselves.

Mindset Coaching

You are ready for a change. You are proud to be different and want to create a life, career, business or initiative that makes an impact. You’ve got great ideas, but something is stopping you.

We’ll explore the impact you want to have, uncover your unique experiences and skills and bring your purpose, proposition and vision to life: your soul-purpose.

We’ll create a plan that moves you forward, getting clear on the resources you need, who you need to connect with and how you’ll overcome hurdles as you evolve in line with your mission.

What you can expect

  • Two 90min discovery sessions
  • Three 55min coaching sessions
  • One 30min wrap up
  • Full write-up, recommendations and ​homework after each session
  • Your soul-purpose on-a-page

PLUS reusable tools and practices.

Package cost: *£550

Individual sessions: *£100

*Pay what you can when times are tough.

Supporting wild souls through self-growth.

Wild-Mind Mentoring

Sticking to new practices is hard. Especially for us over-thinkers and perfectionists, keeping focused on goals and keeping to new routines - especially when the shit hits the fan - is hard.

II’ll never forget when I asked my Guru “but how do I fit all this in with the reality of life” and he said “you change your reality.” But that’s not realistic for most of us. Buddhist and yoga centres are great, but can be too difficult to integrate when the music stops.

Apps are great, HeadSpace, Insight Timer and others can be enough if you have the motivation. But sometimes we need more.

So I work with people to deepen your practice and shift behaviours, whilst negotiating and succeeding in the real world.

What you can expect

  • 7x 45 minute sessions.
  • Online intentions tracker.
  • 2x 1 hour group sessions with like-minded Wild ​Souls
  • Free-reign on WhatsApp check-ins and email ​queries.
  • Option to join the Wild Soul Mates WhatsApp ​group for peer support and community.

Package cost: £333

Reaching the right people is important, so if money is ​the only blocker, please get in touch.

Guiding change leaders towards their power.

Mindful Leadership Coaching

You want to change things for the better. You know you can, but doubt keeps sneaking in, you’re over-compensating and you’re losing energy.

Starting with Discovery, we’ll explore how your work and life purpose interconnects, creating goals that give the focus, space and impact you want.

Driven by your focused objectives, we’ll use real-life scenarios and practice overcoming obstacles by growing presence, energy and impact.

It’s powerful, focused and affirming.

What you can expect

  • Three 90min discovery sessions
  • Four 55min coaching sessions
  • One 30min wrap up
  • Full write-up, recommendations and ​homework after each session
  • Your Vision and Mission on-a-page

PLUS reusable tools and lessons you’ll ​never unlearn

Package cost: £777

Individual sessions: £130

Helping groups and Teams to grow together

Team Coaching

Together, you’re making this planet a better place. But, competitiveness, politics, inequality and egos keep unravelling your good work. Inside and out.

Bring together visions and ideas, and open about constraints, emotions, limitations and fears to build connection and hope.

Practice mindful, non-violent communication to increase trust and energy for allyship and change.

It’s energising, enlightening and effective. You’ll want more..

What you can expect

  • Group survey and pre-work assignment
  • Two 30min planning sessions
  • One 3 hour workshop
    • Values exploration. vision design, creative ​problem solving
    • Breathwork, Mindful movement, outdoor ​adventures
    • Intention setting and closure ceremony
  • One 30min review
  • Full write-up

PLUS reusable tools and lessons you’ll never ​unlearn

Starting at £700

Facilitating fresh ideas and creative collaboration.

Wild Workshops

The natural world meets the minds of many as we get creative with our surroundings and step out into new spaces.

These workshops use mindfulness and creative facilitation to bring people closer together and bring ideas to life.

It’s different, holistic and elemental. You’ll love it.

Get in Touch if you’d like to be informed of forthcoming events!

What you can expect

  • Pre-work and survey
  • 2-5 hour facilitated workshops following specific themes
  • Workshop, summary, actions and intentions.

PLUS memories you’ll never forget

Cost: £ Various

Reduced costs for community orgs.


Are you up for real-talk but feel like you're alone on that when shit gets real? Are you sold on the idea of being more present but struggling with a brain that Just Won’t Stop? Are you ready to make an impact without compromising what really matters?

Join us for fluff-free, straight-talking and human. We’ll be up front about the state of the world and use proven tools to overcome self-doubt and make an impact.

It’s mindfulness, but not as you know it.

🙌 Connecting with up to either likeminded wild souls.

🙌 Getting clearer on what matters to you.

🙌 Turning frustration and fears into fuel.

🙌 Creating a shared powerful momentum....

What you can expect

  • 1 hour powerful 1:1 mindset coaching for ​exploration and intention setting.
  • Mindfulness for Impact workshop, ​identifying shared hopes, intentions, ​obstacles and strengths. 2 hours together.
  • 4x Weekly 75 min group coaching. incl. ​mindful inquiry, visioning, movement.
  • Optional WhatsApp Wild Soul community.

Next cohort starting in September.

ONLY £130

A bit about me (and You)

I’m Kelly. 44 year old mum of a toddler. I like deep chat, good food, the natural world and connections that give me the feels.

I have intrusive thoughts. Sometimes something I did decades ago will ruin my week. I have nightmares about my parents’ council house. I didn’t go to proper university.

I was a senior manager by 24, leading multi-million $ programmes by 30, a founder by 35, and a coach living the dream of travelling, meditating and marrying by 40.

I’ve an addictive personality, anxiety and mood-swings. I’ve a history of relationships gone badly wrong.

I’ve overcome hurdles with grace and have a reputation for resilience. I had no idea how to be openly vulnerable for the first few decades. Even now it’s a struggle.

I was always great at being normal-enough to fit. Telling you just-enough to be honest without telling the whole truth.

And you were too. Perhaps you still are.

It’d be easy enough to slip back into that space. I’ll pretend to be normal and you’ll believe me. You pretend and I’ll (almost) believe you. And we’ll all be fine.

Like hell we will.

To be normal doesn’t just mean: Be white, be of good stock, be straight, be educated, be confident, be healthy, be good-looking, be sane, be successful and be able to host a dinner party for 10+.

It also means: Do not challenge the status quo.

Well, f**k that.

Not everyone can pretend to fit the mould and silence creates suffering for those who can’t.

So for me and for us, I’ve decided to be a working-class, introverted neurodivergent, not entirely straight, mostly spiritual trauma-survivor and see what happens.

Last year I gave up the security and status of leading my consultancy, to make more space for me, you, presence and change.

Why not join me in just being us?


  • Transformative Coaching Diploma (Animas)
  • ICF Accredited Coach
  • Yoga Alliance Meditation Teacher Accreditation
  • Level 3 Counselling Skills
  • Level 2 EFT
  • Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training (graduating 2025)
  • Leadership and Management BA Hons

Our future

More people are brave enough to be themselves, have ​turned their shame to strength and are challenging the ​status quo, by doing more of what really matters.

Be brave.

Be yourself.



Working with Kelly has been truly life changing. She has supported me through the past four years of career change, sideways and upwards, from community development to design leader. Along the way, she has helped me understand my strengths and navigate my insecurities to grow into the leader I am today.


Through working with Kelly and developing a vision of the career (and life) I really wanted, I gained the awareness and confidence to go independent. I’ve moved into a space that is infinitely more fulfilling and true to myself and my core purpose. I’ve stretched in ways I couldn’t have imagined at the start.


I worked with Kelly to get clearer on the purpose and vision for my biscuit business which brings to life my Czech heritage and love of design. I’ve known Kelly for years but as my coach she was able to hold this space for me to identify what I truly believed in and do more of what I love, whilst balancing the rest of life!


It has been wonderful working with Kelly. She has helped me to see things much more clearly and I feel so much stronger about moving forward in life with my head held high! Kelly played a part in making some significant life changes and I’m very happy with where I’ve landed. I’ve already recommended Kelly to loads of people and will continue to do so.


Kelly has helped me find and utilise my voice and to trust myself. I can now recognise when I'm operating from a defensive position and practice flipping my mindset to see opportunity. The confidence I've developed has had huge benefits beyond work - in my personal relationships, living situation, and even in how I appraise my running and swimming performance


Kelly has helped me to see things differently and to break a negative feedback loop that was holding me back as a professional singer and creating emotional and physical tension. The ricochet effect on the rest of my life has been massive. I cannot thank nor recommend Kelly highly enough. I now (confidently) sing her praises to all that will listen!

Let’s make a difference together.

Whether you want to collaborate, to deliver a workshop for your team, invite me onto your cool podcast or just like what you hear and want to connect, I want to hear from you.

If you’re looking for coaching that makes a difference…